The Yearly Pest Battle

fall fun  Summer and fall are two seasons that most people enjoy. There are several holidays which make for great time spent outdoors watching parades and doing other things. There are also family vacations to enjoy and barbecues to hold. The list of activities could go on and on. The downside is, everyone must first tackle the yearly pest battle and it is a challenge that even the healthiest people struggle to win.

The Healthiest Seasons is all about enjoying life and living well. There are no better times to do this than when summer comes and then fall cools the world back down again. Outdoor grilling is healthier to eat and who doesn’t enjoy grilled hot-dogs, hamburgers, and steaks? There are also tons of fresh fruits and vegetables to enjoy. The most popular is watermelon, which has a season that peaks around the 4th of July when everyone wants to be outdoors. There are fruity drinks to enjoy during the hottest of summer days. Who doesn’t like a tall glass of lemonade? Fall brings about cooler weather, but also other favorites such as freshly baked pumpkin pie. My stomach starts grumbling with the thought of it. There is also grilled corn on the cob and tons of squash type vegetables available for casseroles.

The Bugs Attack

All of the outdoor fun can come to a screeching halt with the first mosquito virus threat. In the past, we have had to worry about West Nile, but then the Zika Virus made things worse. These insects are enough to keep everyone indoors. Then you also have sand gnats, horse flies, cow flies, ticks, and no see um bugs to deal with. There are people who are allergic to their bites and may swell up if bitten only once. There is nothing healthy or fun about an allergic reaction. These seasons

Taking Summer Back

Most people rely on spray repellents to keep them safe from bugs, but a lot of them have DEET, which concerns them. It has been proven that DEET can make you virtually invisible to all biting bugs. It just may cause major irritation to sensitive skin. This can be remedied by natural repellents, which is recommended. Sprays that have lavender or citronella in them can repel a lot of biting insects. You should also consider wearing clothes that are light, but cover your body. This can also help you to avoid painful sunburns. It is ideal for those days and nights when you venture to the beach or to watch your local fireworks show, and even when you go trick or treating with the kids or other family times at home. At home, you have more options including yard sprays that protect your yard from mosquitoes temporarily or even traps. You also need to ensure that you do not have water standing in your yard somewhere since mosquitoes and other insects love damp places.

You can enjoy summertime. You can live in the outdoors. It is harder to do and you have to work at it, but it is doable. You can win the yearly pest battle for yourself, your family, and your pets, who are also going to be attacked by insects of all types, including fleas.

About the Author Two Seasons